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  • Schwartzhog Kräuter Likör 50ml

    Schwartzhog Kräuter Likör 50ml

    Schwartzhog Krauter Liqueur 50mL mini is an authentic herbal liqueur in a glass bottle from Germany (the original Jagermeister) that contains Wormwood, Buckbean and select herbs, roots & fruits of the forest. Enjoy it...

  • Scheibel Heidelbeere 350ml

    Scheibel Heidelbeere 350ml

    Blueberry Liquer The fruits for this liqueur are harvested in Scandinavia. The basis is a blend of wild and cultivated blueberries, rounded off with a wild blueberry brandy.    

  • Advocaat - egg liqueur

    By the Dutch Advocaat 20%

    Advocaat became popular in the USA and UK in the late 1940s and early 1950s, reaching its peak of popularity in the seventies. “By the Dutch’’ Advocaat distinguishes itself by a higher alcohol content...

  • Patxaran Sloe Berry Liqueur 1 litre

    Patxaran Sloe Berry Liqueur 1 litre

    Patxaran is made by soaking sloe berries, collected from the blackthorn shrub, along with a few coffee beans and a vanilla pod in anisette. The process produces a light sweet reddish-brown liquid around 25-30% in alcohol...

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