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  • Nomad Outland Whisky Reserve 10 YO Triple Cask 700ml

    Nomad Outland Whisky Reserve 10 YO Triple Cask 700ml

    An exciting expression from Nomad, this whisky has been on a journey! Firstly, a selection of previously matured malt and grain whiskies were blended and matured in Scotland. Next up, the blend was shipped over to Jerez,...

  • Delgado Zuleta Palo Cortado 750ml

    Delgado Zuleta Palo Cortado 750ml

    TECHNICAL SHEET 100% Palomino variety. Initially this wine is subject to biological aging process, however, less than an Amontillado; it then undergoes oxidative aging. Aging takes place in American and French casks for...

  • Nomad Outland Whisky 700ml

    Nomad Outland Whisky 700ml

    NOMAD is a whisky born and aged in Scotland –and eventually refined in Jerez. Its unique double aging process makes it a true rarity. NOMAD OUTLAND WHISKY is one of the most special González Byass distillates:...

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